Event Waiver

I understand participating in any skiing/snowshoeing activity involves risks of injury both to myself and my property. I understand these injuries and losses may result not only from my actions, but the actions or negligence of others.

I agree I am responsible for my safety while participating and that responsibility includes participating only when I am physically and psychologically prepared to participate safely, after familiarizing myself with the event and using equipment of the type and condition needed to participate safely.

Aware of these risks and my responsibility to assume them, I hereby waive, release and hold harmless Gunnison Nordic, all sponsors, all officers and board members, employees, event staff and organizers, land owners, doctors and medical staff, and all individuals associated with the event, their representatives, successors or assignees for any injuries or death suffered in association with the event, including those which may be attributable to weather. I intend for this waiver and release of liability to apply to my heirs, beneficiaries or representatives who my pursue legal action or claim on my behalf. I also give permission for use of my name and picture for use in publicity or promotional purposes.

I have read this and fully understand my liability and certify my compliance by checking the box below.

I understand all fees paid are non-refundable.

I have read and agree to the conditions of this waiver as a participant over 18 years of age or a parent/legal guardian of a minor under 18 years of age or a legal guardian of a person with intellectual or developmental disabilities.

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